
报告题目:Many-site coherence revivals and correlated supersolid states in optical lattices with long-range interactions

报告人:Dr. Bo Xiong


报告人简介:Dr. Bo Xiong is currently a research association in Department of Physics, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan. He got his PhD in Condensed Matter Theory in the University of Nottingham, the United Kingdom, and then got Center of Theoretical Physics Postdoctoral Fellowship, Brain Korea Postdoctoral Fellowship in Seoul National University for several years. He was also awarded Visitor Scholarship from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and Tsinghua University, China.
    He has a wide range of research interest in condensed matter theory, including quantum many body theory, strongly correlated electron systems, dynamical processes and excitation properties of Bose-Einstein condensates, quantum fluctuations in quantum gases, phase coherence of many body Bose gases. He has more than 10 publications all published in world leading journals: Physical Review B, Physical Review A, Journal of Physics B and Europhysics Letters.

报告摘要:We investigate the impact of long-range interactions (e.g., dipole-dipole interaction) in optical lattices on the dynamics of many-body waves when initial coherent states and supersolid states are quenched toward localized states. We provide a modified variant of the Gutzwiller ansatz, reproducing the analytically calculated time dependence of first-order coherence in the limit of zero tunneling. For initial supersolid states, unique coherence oscillation between the even and odd sublattice sites of the checkerboard are created by the quench, which are absent when the initial state is described by a Gutzwiller product state. This opens up the possibility to discriminate experimentally between mean-field and many-body origins of supersolidity.



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