yL23411永利官网登录创新论坛第二百五十六讲:Defect electrocatalysis: Coordination of carbon defect and atomic metal species

报告题目: Defect electrocatalysis: Coordination of carbon defect and atomic metal species
报告人:Prof. Xiangdong Yao
报告时间:3月29日14:30          报告地点:永利官网201劼恒多媒体教室

Abstract:Electrocatalysis is the key for energy conversion and storage devices such as fuel cells, metal-air batteries and water splitting, but the development of highly efficient and non-precious metal catalyst is extremely important. Recently, we presented a new concept of defect electrocatalysis, in which the topological defects on carbons (or oxygen vacancies in oxides) are the active sites for electrochemical reactions. A series of non-metal catalysts have been developed based on this new theory. Besides, the defects are such a characterized points with higher energy, thus provides ideal sites to interact with metal species in various sizes. The strong interactions may provide both high reactivity and stability. When the size of metal species reduces to atomic level, the general configurations are metal atoms trapped into defects according to the minimum energy theory. The coordination of the defect and atomic metal species plays the central role for electrocatalysis as the local electronic structures defined by this coordination determines the interaction of reactant and active sites.

Prof. Xiangdong Yao,澳大利亚格里菲斯大学昆士兰微纳米技术中心教授,1989年东北大学材料科学与工程学士学位,1992年西北工业大学材料科学与工程硕士学位, 2005年澳大利亚昆士兰大学材料工程博士学位,从事纳米轻金属材料在清洁与可持续能源方面的研究,在碳缺陷电化学领域取得了一系列重要成果,特别是在缺陷催化机理研究方面作出了卓越的贡献。在JACS,Nature Com., Adv Mater., Adv. Func Mater., Angew Chem., J Phy Chem B., Appl Phy Letters等高档次期刊发表论文多达150余篇。2005年以来,受邀在国际/国内学术会议上做报告多达50余次,在国际知名的研究机构做30余次报告,2005年以来,已获得了20多项共计700余万美元的经费资助(包括十项ARC资助),目前主要在能源转化催化、生物燃料、超级电容器等领域开展研究,开发材料设计和创新合成及能源转化和储存的新技术。

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