• 姓名:徐新龙
  • 性别:
  • 部门:光子学与光子技术研究所
  • 职称:教授/研究员
  • 荣誉:陕西省人才
  • 邮箱:xlxuphy@163.com
  • 办公室电话:029 8830
  • 研究方向:超快光学、微纳光学、超材料及二维材料光电特性及应用、太赫兹物理和器件

(1) 2012/06-至今,yL23411永利官网登录,光子学与光子技术研究所,教授,博士生导师
(2) 2011/05-2012/06,中国科学院,物理研究所,副研究员
(3) 2010/02-2011/05,新加坡南洋理工大学,物理系,博士后
(4) 2007/01-2010/01,英国牛津大学,物理系,博士后
(5) 2006/06-2006/12,中国科学院,国家纳米科学中心,研究助理
(6) 2003/09-2006/06,中国科学院物理研究所,博士

主要从事超快光学、超材料及二维材料光电特性及应用、太赫兹物理和器件等方面的研究与教学工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,总参军口863项目,陕西省科技创新团队项目,陕西省科技新星项目等10项。参与国家自然基金重点项目,973计划项目,863计划项目等多项。在《Nano Letters》,《ACS Nano》,《The Journal of Physical Chemistry C》,《Physics Review B》,《Applied Physics Letters》等国际期刊发表SCI论文80余篇,获得授权国际专利一项,中国专利两项。科研工作被Nature Asia Materials等作为研究亮点报道,被物理类重要杂志Reviews of Modern Physics等多次引用,并多次受邀在国内外会议上做邀请报告。培养的员工(包括联合培养)一人获德国洪堡奖学金,一人获陕西省优秀博士论文,多人获国家奖学金。

(1) Yuanyuan Huang, Zehan Yao, Fangrong Hu, Changji Liu, Leilei Yu, Yanping Jin, and Xinlong Xu*, Tunable Circular Polarization Conversion and Asymmetric Transmission of Planar Chiral Graphene-Metamaterial in Terahertz Region, Carbon, 2017, 119: 305-313
(2) Yuanyuan Huang, Lipeng Zhu, Qiyi Zhao, Yaohui Guo, Zhaoyu Ren, Jintao Bai, and Xinlong Xu*, Surface Optical Rectification from Layered MoS2 Crystal by Thz Time-Domain Surface Emission Spectroscopy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 4956-4965
(3) Lipeng Zhu, Yuanyuan Huang, Zehan Yao, Baogang Quan, Longhui Zhang, Junjie Li, Changzhi Gu, Xinlong Xu*, and Zhaoyu Ren*, Enhanced Polarization-Sensitive Terahertz Emission from Vertically Grown Graphene by a Dynamical Photon Drag Effect, Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 10301-10311
(4) Zhang, L.; Huang, Y.; Zhao, Q.; Zhu, L.; Yao, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Du, W.; XinlongXu*, Terahertz surface emission of d-band electrons from a layered tungsten disulfide crystal by the surface field. Physical Review B, 2017, 96, 155202
(5) Yixuan Zhou, Yiwen E, Lipeng Zhu, Mei Qi, XinlongXu*, Jintao Bai, ZhaoyuRen*, and Li Wang, Terahertz Wave Reflection Impedance Matching Properties of Graphene Layers at Oblique Incidence, Carbon, 2016, 96: 1129-1137
(6) Zhou, Y.; XinlongXu*; Hu, F.; Zheng, X.; Li, W.; Zhao, P.; Bai, J.; Ren, Z., Graphene as Broadband Terahertz Antireflection Coating. Applied Physics Letters 2014, 104, 051106.
(7) Xiaojun Wu, Baogang Quan, Xuecong Pan, XinlongXu*, Xinchao Lu, Changzhi Gu, and Li Wang, Alkanethiol-Functionalized Terahertz Metamaterial as Label-Free, Highly-Sensitive and Specific biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 42: 626-631
(8) Wu, X.; Pan, X.; Quan, B.; XinlongXu*; Gu, C.; Wang, L., Self-Referenced Sensing Based on Terahertz Metamaterial for Aqueous Solutions. Applied Physics Letters 2013, 102, 151109.
(9) Xinlong Xu, Bo Peng, Dehui Li, Jun Zhang, Lai Mun Wong, Qing Zhang, Shijie Wang, and Qihua Xiong*, Flexible Visible–Infrared Metamaterials and Their Applications in Highly Sensitive Chemical and Biological Sensing, Nano Letters, 2011, 11: 3232-3238
(10) Xinlong Xu, Yanyuan Zhao, Edbert Jarvis Sie, Yunhao Lu, Bo Liu, Sandy AdhitiaEkahana, Xiao Ju, Qike Jiang, Jianbo Wang, Handong Sun, Tze Chien Sum*, Cheng Hon Alfred Huan, Yuan Ping Feng, and Qihua Xiong*, Dynamics of Bound Exciton Complexes in CdS Nanobelts, ACS Nano, 2011, 5: 3660-3669


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