陆宝乐,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师;主要从事超快光纤激光器,单频光纤激光器、光场调控、非线性光学器件和激光微纳加工制造等方面的研究。2017年荣获“yL23411永利官网登录优秀教师”称号,2019年入选“yL23411永利官网登录青年学术英才支持计划”。先后承担了国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省创新能力支撑计划项目-科技创新团队、陕西省自然科学基金面上项目、陕西省重点研发计划项目-国际科技合作计划、陕西省教育厅重点实验室项目、陕西省教育厅自然科学专项等科研项目。Photonics Research、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Optics & Laser Technology、Chinese Optics Letters等国际期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,其中第一/通讯作者45篇,申请发明专利10项,实用新型专利2项。
1. Chenyue Lv, Baole Lu*, Jintao Bai Dynamics of frequency detuning in a hybrid Er-doped mode-locked fiber laser, Photonics Research, 2023, 3(11), 383-391.
2. Jianing Tao, Pengye Song, Chenyue Lv, Lei Hou, Baole Lu*, Jintao Bai, Generation of widely tunable single- and dual-wavelength in a figure-eight mode-locked fiber laser, Optics & laser Technology, 160 (2023), 109107.
3. Jianing Tao, Yuanqi Song, Yangyang Li, Xuzhuo Jia, Lei Hou, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai, Pulse type switchable, spectral bandwidth dynamically adjustable all-fiber laser mode-locked by NALM, Optics & laser Technology, 157 (2023), 108682.
4. Jianing Tao, Yu Fang, Yuanqi Song, Pengye Song, Lei Hou, Baole Lu*, Qimeng Lin, and Jintao Bai, Sideband-free tunable and switchable dual-wavelength mode-locked fiber laser based on the Lyot filter and spontaneous radiation peaks, Optics Express, 2022, 30(10), 17465-17475.
5. Zhenzhong Zuo, Xianming Huang, Haowei Chen, Baole Lu* and Jintao Bai*, Observation of four self-sweeping regimes in a single-mode bi-directional ytterbium-doped fiber ring laser, Optics Express, 2022, 30(20), 39309-39320.
6. Jianing Tao, Qimeng Lin, Li Yan, Lei Hou, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai, Asynchronous vector solitons based dual-comb in a fiber laser mode-locked by GO-COOH SA, Optics & laser Technology, 154 (2022), 108308.
7. Baole Lu*, Yu Fang, Chenyue Lv, Mei Qi, Haowei Chen, Jintao Bai, Single- and bound-state soliton mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on graphene/WS2 nanocomposites saturable absorber, Infrared Physics & Technology 121 (2022) 104024.
8. Zengrun Wen, Baole Lu*, Kaile Wang, Shuangcheng Chen, and Jintao Bai*, Generating narrow bandwidth pulses in a hybrid mode-locked fiber laser, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(5), 1097-1100.
9. Kaile Wang, Zengrun Wen, Haowei Chen, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai*, Single-frequency all-polarization-maintaining ytterbium-doped bidirectional fiber laser, Optics Letters, 2021, 46(2), 404-407.
10. Jianyi Ding, Zengrun Wen, Baole Lu*, Kaile Wang, Haowei Chen, Jintao Bai,* Wavelength switchable dissipative soliton mode-locked fiber laser based on Lyot filter, Optics & laser Technology, 144 (2021), 107460.
11. Zengrun Wen, Kaile Wang, Shuangcheng Chen, Haowei Chen, Xinyuan Qi, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai*, Narrow bandwidth Q-switched Erbium-doped fiber laser based on dynamic saturable absorption filtering effect, Optics & laser Technology, 140 (2021), 107045.
12. Zengrun Wen, Kaile Wang, Haowei Chen, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai, Self-sweeping ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a fiber saturable absorber, Applied Physics Express, 2021, 14, 012005.
13. Yuanqi Song, Xuzhuo Jia, Qimeng Lin, Lei Hou, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai, Tunable all-normal-dispersion femtosecond Yb:fiber laser with biased nonlinear amplifying loop mirror, Applied Physics Express, 2021, 14, 102002.
14. Kaile Wang, Zengrun Wen, Haowei Chen, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai*, Wavelength-flexible all-polarization-maintaining self-sweeping fiber laser based on intracavity loss tuning, Chinese Optics Letters, 2021, 19(4), 041401-1-5.
15. Zhenzhong Zuo, Kaile Wang, Haowei Chen, Baole Lu* and Jintao Bai*, Recent Progress and Development Trend of Self-sweeping Fiber Laser, Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9:809049.
16. Wei Z, Chen S, Ding J, Sun B, Qi X, Lu B* and Bai J, Recent Advance in Tunable Single-Frequency Fiber Laser Based on Two-Dimensional Materials, Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 8:580602.
17. Zengrun Wen, Kaile Wang, Haowei Chen, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai*, Stable-, period-N- and multiple-soliton regimes in a mode-locked fiber laser with inconsistently filtered central wavelengths, Optics Express, 2020, 28(19), 28033.
18. Kaile Wang, Zengrun Wen, Haowei Chen, Xinyuan Qi, Baole Lu*, and Jintao Bai, Observation of reverse self-sweeping effect in an all polarization maintaining bidirectional ytterbium-doped fiber laser, Optics Express, 2020, 28(9), 13913.
19. Kaile Wang, Baole Lu*, Zengrun Wen, Xinyuan Qi, Jianyi Ding, Haowei Chen, Jintao Bai, Widely tunable ytterbium-doped single-frequency all-fiber laser, Optics and Laser Technology, 128 (2020)), 106242.
20. Zengrun Wen, Bao-Le Lu*, Kaile Wang, Xin-Yuan Qi, and Jintao Bai, Discrete optical propagation in one-dimensional synthetic mesh lattice, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2020, 37(11), 3152-3160.
21. Shuangcheng Chen, Baole Lu⁎, Zengrun Wen, Haowei Chen, Jintao Bai, Single/dual-wavelength switchable and tunable passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 111, 103519.
22. Kailong Zhang, Zengrun Wen, Baole Lu⁎, Haowei Chen, Xinyuan Qi, Jintao Bai, Passively Q-switched pulsed fiber laser with higher-order modes, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2020, 105, 103163.
23. Xuanxuan Ma, Baole Lu*, Xinyuan Qi, Chunhui Lu, Zengrun Wen, Xinlong Xu, and Jintao Bai, Single- and dual-wavelength switchable mode-locked dissipative soliton Yb-doped fiber laser based on graphene/WS2 nanocomposites modelocker and polarization controller, Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12, 112006.
24. Zengrun Wen, Bao-Le Lu*, Xin-Yuan Qi, Chaoyang Zhang, Kaile Wang, Haowei Chen, and Jintao Bai, Effects of spectral filtering on pulse dynamics in a mode-locked fiber laser with a bandwidth tunable filter, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2019, 36(4), 952-958.
25. Na Wang, Bao-Le Lu*, Xin-Yuan Qi, Zeng-Run Wen, Hao-Wei Chen and Jin-Tao Bai, Passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser with ReSe2 saturable absorber, Optics and Laser Technology, 2019, 116, 300-304.
26. Kaile Wang, Baole Lu*, Xinyuan Qi, Zengrun Wen, Haowei Chen, and Jintao Bai, Wavelength-tunable single-frequency ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a double-circulator interferometer, Laser Physics Letter, 2019, 16, 015104(6pp).
27. Bao-Le Lu*, Ke-Xun Huang, Xin-Yuan Qi, Zeng-Run Wen, Hao-Wei Chen, and Jin-Tao Bai, Passively Q-switched Yb3+-doped fiber laser with ReS2 saturable absorber, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2019, 25(4). 1600104(6pp).
28. Pan Fu, Xiao-qiang Feng, Baole Lu*, Xin-yuan Qi, Haowei Chen, Bo Sun, Man Jiang, Jintao Bai, Switchable dual-wavelength SLM narrow linewidth fiber laser based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror, Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 98, 56-60.
29. 陆宝乐*,陈程,林启蒙,张朝阳,郎嘉靖,白晋涛,被动锁模超短脉冲光纤激光器研究进展(特邀),光子学报,2022, 51(10), 1014003.
30. 黄先明,王飞,陆宝乐*,白晋涛,基于轨道角动量交换实现巨克尔非线性效应调控,光学学报,2022,42(22), 2219002.
31. 左振忠, 王凯乐, 黄先明, 陈浩伟, 陆宝乐*,白晋涛,基于环形器的线形腔可控掺镱自扫光纤激光器,中国激光,2022, 49(23), 2301003.
32. 孟祥瑞,文瀚,陈浩伟,孙博,陆宝乐*,白晋涛,波长可切换窄线宽单频掺镱光纤激光器(特邀),红外与激光工程,2022, 51(6), 20220325.
33. 张朝阳,陆宝乐*,陈浩伟,王凯歌,白晋涛,基于非线性光纤环形镜被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器,光子学报,2022, 51(2), 0251217.
34. 张凯龙,陈浩伟,陆宝乐*,白晋涛,基于二硒化铪可饱和吸收体的被动调Q 掺铒光纤激光器的研究,光学学报,2020, 40(13), 1314001.
35. 马选选,陆宝乐*,王凯乐,侯瑶,张凯龙,陈浩伟,白晋涛,宽带可调谐单频窄线宽光纤激光器,光学学报,2019, 39(1), 0114001.
1. 陆宝乐,吕辰悦,白晋涛,陈浩伟,一种锁模光纤激光器,专利号:ZL 202110423568.4,发明专利
2. 陆宝乐,宋园起,闫丽,贾谞卓,侯磊,一种全正色散的基于偏置NALM锁模的飞秒光纤激光器,专利号:ZL 202110538749.1,发明专利
3. 陆宝乐,陈浩伟,白晋涛,齐新元,王承鑫,一种双波长柱矢量光单频调Q光纤激光器,专利号:ZL202010227629.5,发明专利
4. 陆宝乐,陈浩伟,王凯乐,白晋涛,基于双向环形腔的自扫频光纤激光器,专利号:ZL202010304172.3,发明专利
5. 陆宝乐,白晋涛,陈浩伟,黄科汛,王娜,基于二硫化铼可饱和吸收体的双波长脉冲光纤激光器,专利号:ZL201710553196.0,发明专利
6. 陆宝乐,白晋涛,林启蒙,陈浩伟,一种激光熔覆有效重力同步送粉器,申请号:ZL201820601450.X,实用新型专利
7. 陆宝乐,白晋涛,康进,陈浩伟,基于环形腔波长可调谐单频掺镱光纤激光器,专利号:ZL2016 2 1357529.X,实用新型专利
8. 齐新元,白晋涛,陆宝乐,陈浩伟,王承鑫,一种同步实现双波长脉冲激光输出的实验装置,专利号:ZL202010227640.1,发明专利