






在科研方面:主要研究方向为强激光场中原子和分子的电离问题,近五年在Physical Review Letter, Physical Review A, Journal of Physics B等期刊发表论文7篇。

[1] Xin G G, Ye D F, Liu J. Dependence of the correlated-momentum patterns in double ionization on the carrier-envelope phase and intensity of a few-cycle laser pulse[J]. Phys. Rev. A, 2010, 82: 063423(1-4).
[2] 辛国国, 叶地发, 赵清, 刘杰. 原子非序列双电离的多次返回碰撞电离机理分析[J].永利官网报, 2011, 60: 093204(1-9).
[3] Ye D F, Xin G G, Liu J, He X T. Intensity determination of superintense laser pulses via ionization fraction in the relativistic tunnelling regime[J]. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2010, 43: 235601(1-3).
[4] 辛国国, 赵清. 啁啾激光脉冲控制电子纵向动量关联谱研究[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2012, 32:98-101.
[5] 辛国国, 赵清, 刘杰. 非序列双电离向饱和区过渡的电子最大关联度[J]. 永利官网报, 2012, 61: 133201(1-7).
[6] Fu L B, Xin G G, Ye D F, Liu J. Recollision dynamics and phase diagram for nonsequential double ionization with circularly polarized laser fields[J]. Phys. Rev. Lett.,2012, 108: 103601(1-5).
[7] Liu Hong, Liu Yunquan, Fu Libin, Xin Guoguo, Ye Difa, Liu Jie, He X T, Yang Yudong, Liu Xianrong, Deng Yongkai, Wu hengyin, Gong Qihuang, Low yield of near-zero-momentum electrons and partial atomic stabilization in strong-field tunneling ionization[J]. Phys. Rev. Lett.,2012, 109: 093001(1-5).

[8] Sun, X., Li, M., Ye, D., Xin, G., Fu, L., Xie, X., . . . Liu, Y. Mechanisms of Strong-Field Double Ionization of Xe. Physical Review Letters,2014, 113(10), 103001. 
[9] Liu, C., Yang, Z.-Y., Zhao, L.-C., Xin, G.-G., & Yang, W.-L. Optical rogue waves generated on Gaussian background beam. Optics Letters,2014, 39(4), 1057-1060. 
[10] Zhao, L.-C., Xin, G.-G., & Yang, Z.-Y. Rogue-wave pattern transition induced by relative frequency. Physical Review E,2014, 90(2), 022918. 

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