• 姓名:郭  平

  • 性别:女

  • 部门:材料物理系

  • 职称:教授/研究员

  • 研究方向:计算材料物理,团簇物理

郭平,女,博士,副教授,主讲《固体物理》,《大学物理》《材料科学基础》,和《材料物理》等课程。 教育学习背景:

2002-2005:  yL23411永利官网登录光子学与光子技术研究   光学         博士     任兆玉
1999-2002:  yL23411永利官网登录物理系            凝聚态物理     硕士     刘拥军
1995-1999:  山西大同大学             永利官网        学士     石云龙






1.“表面支撑过渡金属掺杂硅团簇几何和电子结构性质的研究” 国家自然科学青年基金项目(2010.01-2012.12,20万元,主持)



4.“氧化物稀磁半导体纳米结构的制备与磁性研究”陕西省自然科学基金项目(2010.01-2009.12,3万元,第2 )





1. Xixi Guo, PingGuo, Jiming Zheng,Like Cao, Puju ZhaoFirst-principles calculations study of Na adsorbed onsilicene,Apply surface science 341(2015)69-74

2.  Ping Guo ,Jiming Zheng , Xixi Guo , Like Cao, Qun Wei Electronic and magnetic properties of transition-metal-dopedsodiumsuperatom clusters: TM@Na8 (TM = 3d, 4d and 5d transition metal)Computational Materials Science 95 (2014) 440445

3. JimingZheng, Ping Guo, Zhaoyu Ren, ZhenyiJiang, Jintao Bai, Conductance fluctuations as afunction of sliding motion in bilayer graphene nanoribbon junction: Afirst-principles investigationAppl. Phys. Lett. 101, 083101 (2012);

4.  PingGuo, Lin Zheng, Jiming Zheng, Ruizhii Zhang, Luna Yang, Zhaoyu Ren, Densityfunctional study of TaSin (n=1-3, 12) clusters adsorbed to graphenesurface, Apply surface science,258 (2011) 705– 710.

5.Guo Ping, Zheng Jiming, Zhao Pei,Zheng Linlin, Ren Zhao-Yu, Therelativistic density functional investigations on geometries, electronic andmagnetic properties of Irn (n=1-13) clusters, Chin. Phys. B 10(8) (2010) 083601-8.

6. Ping Guo, Weijun Chen et al, A DFTstudy of the interaction between butein anion and metal cations (M = Mg2+,Cr2+, Fe2+, and Cu2+:Taking an insightinto its chelatingproperty, J. Mol. Struct (THEOCHEM) 849(2008)33-36

7. Ping Guo,Zhao-Yu Ren, A-Ping Yang, Ju-Guang Han, Guang-Hou Wang, A relativisticcomputational investigation: Structural and Electronic properties of TaSin+(n=1~13,16) Clusters, J. Phys.Chem. A, 110(2006)7453-7460;

8. Ping Guo,Zhao-Yu Ren, Fan Wang, Jiang Bian ,Ju-Guang Han, Guang-hou Wang, Structural andelectronic properties of TaSin (n=1~13) Clusters: A relativisticdensity functional investigation, J. Chem. Phys, 121 (2004)12265-12276.

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