• 姓名:王永强

  • 性别:

  • 部门:光电工程系

  • 职称:副教授/副研究员

  • 邮箱:yqwang@nwu.edu.cn

  • 研究方向:高性能网络(High-Performance Networks, HPNs),无线传感网(Wireless Sensor Networks),高性能计算(High-Performance Computing, HPC), 机器学习(Machine Learning),嵌入式系统(Embedded System)等。






1. 国家科技部重点研发计划项目子课题,2017YFB1400301分布式资源巨系统及资源协同理论2017.12-2020.1237.9万元,已结题,参加;

2. 陕西省重点研发计划-工业类,2018GY-011,面向大数据的多流传输关键技术研究,2018.01-2020.1212万元,已结题,第二参加;

3. 横向科研课题,2018610002001026,大数据与云计算技术平台研究与应用,2018.03-2020.0330万元,已结题,主持;




7. 基于嵌入式网络信息处理的SoC设计平台,陕西省科技厅科技攻关项目,负责逻辑设计,2004-2006,已结题,参加

8. 棱镜光栅摄谱的智能化改造项目,yL23411永利官网登录校内项目,负责电路与单片机软、硬件设计,已结题,参加

四、 国际学术交流


2.2018年7月31日-8月3日,美国纽约举行的12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science and Engineering国际学术会议,学术报告:On MapReduce Scheduling in Hadoop Yarn on Heterogeneous Clusters

3.2018年4月15日-18日,西班牙巴塞罗那举行的IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (CCF),国际学术报告题目:Resource-aware Routing and Scheduling in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks

4.2017年12月18日-20日,泰国曼谷参加The 19th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (CCF),国际学术报告,题目:Periodic Scheduling of Profiling-Based Floating-Window Bandwidth Reservations for Scientific Collaboration

5.2017年7月31日-8月3日,加拿大温哥华参加The 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks(CCF),国际学术报告,题目:Periodic Scheduling of Deadline-constrained Variable Slot-Bandwidth Reservations for Scientific Collaboration

6.2016年12月12日-14日,澳大利亚悉尼参加The 18th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(CCF),国际学术报告,题目:Periodic Scheduling of Deadline-constrained Bandwidth Reservations for Scientific Collaboration

7.2016年11月7日-10日,阿联酋迪拜参加第41届IEEE International conference on Computing, Networking & Communications (CCF),论文海报国际学术交流,题目:On Periodic Scheduling of Bandwidth Reservations with Deadline Constraint for Big Data Transfer

8.2016年7月7日-8日,韩国首尔参加The 12th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness国际会议交流;

9.2015年10月26日-29日,美国弗罗里达坦帕参加第40届IEEE International conference on Computing, Networking & Communications(CCF),国际学术报告,题目:On Periodic Scheduling of Fixed-Slot Bandwidth Reservations for Big Data Transfer

10.2014年2月3日-6日,美国夏威夷檀香山参加The International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications,国际学术报告,题目:Advance Bandwidth Reservation with Deadline Constraint in High-performance Networks

五、 发表论文

1. Tianyu Gao, Chase Q. Wu, Aiqin Hou, Yongqiang Wang, Ruxia Li, and Mingrui Xu. Minimizing Financial Cost of Scientic Workows Under Deadline Constraints in Multi-Cloud Environments. In Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'19), Limassol, Cyprus, April 8–12, 2019

2. Mingrui Xu, Chase Q. Wu, Aiqin Hou, and Yongqiang Wang. Intelligent Scheduling for Parallel Jobs in Big Data Processing Systems. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC), in conjunction with International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Maui, Hawaii, USA, March 5-8, 2019 (ICNC-CNC19)

3. Ruxia Li, Chase Q. Wu, Aiqin Hou, Yongqiang Wang, Tianyu Gao, Mingrui Xu.On Scheduling of High-Throughput Scientific Workflows under Budget Constraints in Multi-Cloud Environments. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing(BDcloud 2018), December 11-13, Melbourne, Australia, 2018

4. Meng Wang, Chase Q. Wu, Huiyan Cao, Yang Liu, Yongqiang Wang and Aiqin Hou. "On MapReduce Scheduling in Hadoop Yarn on Heterogeneous Clusters." In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science and Engineering, New York, USA, July 31- August 3, 2018

5. Tao Wang, Chase Q.Wu, Yongqiang Wang, Aiqin Hou, and Huiyan Cao, “Multi-Path Routing for Maximum Bandwidth with K Edge-Disjoint Paths.”In Proceedings of the 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2018),Raphael Resort & Marina, Limassol, Cyprus, June 25-29, 2018

6. Yang Liu, Chase Q. Wu, Meng Wang, Aiqin Hou and Yongqiang Wang. On a Dynamic Data Placement Strategy for Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), Rome, Italy. June 19-21, 2018

7. Xiaoyang Zhang, Chase Q. Wu, Liudong Zuo, Aiqin Hou and Yongqiang Wang. Bandwidth Scheduling with Flexible Multi-Paths in High-performance Networks. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Washington, DC, USA. May 1-4, 2018

8. Zhanmao Cao, Chase Q.Wu, Mark L.Berry, Yongqiang Wang, Resource-aware Routing and Scheduling in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2018), Barcelonia, Spain, April 15-18, 2018

9. Yongqiang Wang, Chase Qishi Wu, Aiqin Hou. Periodic Scheduling of Profiling-Based Floating-Window Bandwidth Reservations for Scientific Collaboration. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications, Bangkok, Thailand, December 18-20, 2017 (HPCC17)

10. Yongqiang Wang, Chase Qishi Wu, and Aiqin. Hou. Periodic Scheduling of Deadline-constrained Variable Slot-Bandwidth Reservations for Scientific Collaboration. In Proc. of the 26th IEEE Conf. on Computer Communications and Networks, Vancouver, Canada, July 31-August 3, 2017 (ICCCN2017, acceptance rate = 25%).

11. Shuting Xu, Chase Qishi Wu, Aiqin Hou, Yongqiang Wang, and Meng Wang. Energy-efficient Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machines in Big Data Centers. In Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC2017) Cetara, Salerno, Italy, May 11-14, 2017

12. Aiqin Hou, Chase Qishi Wu, Dingyi Fang, Yongqiang Wang, and Meng Wang. Bandwidth Scheduling for Big Data Transfer Using Multiple Fixed Node-Disjoint Paths. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 85, pp. 47-55, May 2017 (JNCA17).

13. Hui Liu, Hangzhou Yang, Xueguang Qiao, Yongqiang Wang, Xiaochong Liu, Yen-Sian Lee, Kok-Sing Lim and Harith Ahmad, Curvature and Temperature Measurement Based on a Few-Mode PCF Formed M-Z-I and an Embedded FBG17(8), 1725; doi:10.3390/s17081725sensors 2017.

14. Yongqiang Wang, Chase Qishi Wu, and Aiqin Hou. Periodic Scheduling of Deadline-constrained Bandwidth Reservations for Scientific Collaboration. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications, Sydney, Australia, December 12-14, 2016 (HPCC16)

15. Aiqin Hou, Chase Qishi Wu, Dingyi Fang, Yongqiang Wang, Meng Wang, Tao Wang, and X. Zhang. Bandwidth Scheduling with Multiple Variable Node-Disjoint Paths in High-performance Networks. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 9-11, 2016 (IPCCC16)

16. Yongqiang Wang, Chase Qishi Wu, and Aiqin Hou. On periodic scheduling of bandwidth reservations with deadline constraint for big data transfer. In Proc. of the 41st IEEE Conf. on Local Computer Networks, Dubai, UAE, November 7-10, 2016.

17. Aiqin Hou, Chase Qishi Wu, Dingyi Fang, and Yongqiang Wang. “Bandwidth Scheduling with Multiple Fixed Node-Disjoint Paths in High-performance Networks”12th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness Seoul, South Korea, July 7–8, 2016.

18. Yongqiang Wang, Chase Qishi Wu, Aiqin Hou, Wenyu Peng, Shuting Xu and Meng Shi. “On Periodic Scheduling of Fixed-Slot Bandwidth Reservations for Big Data Transfer” in The 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, October 26-29 2015 (LCN40, acceptance rate = 30%).

19. Dongliang Chu, Chase Qishi Wu, Zongmin Wang, and Yongqiang Wang. A Fully Generalized Over Operator with Applications to Image Composition in Parallel Visualization for Big Data Science. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 16-19, 2014 (ICPADS14, acceptance rate = 29.8%)

20. P. Dharam, Chase Qishi Wu, and Yongqiang. Wang. Advance Bandwidth Reservation with Deadline Constraint in High performance Networks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), CNC Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February 3-6, 2014 (ICNC14, acceptance rate: < 30%).

21. 朗保华,刘卫国,王永强。微电机,基于卡尔曼滤波器的永磁同步电机定子磁链观测研究,2007Vol.40 No.6  17-20

22. 王永强,忽满利,段玉鹏。 yL23411永利官网登录学报,纳米技术及研究进展,2006.6 Vol.36S.I 160-163

23. 李长河,王永强,刘刚,张建华。 微机发展,嵌入式Windows CE设备驱动的研究实现,2003.7 Vol.13 No.7  69-72

24. 李长河,王永强。 微机发展,多媒体通信协议H.324H.323SIP的分析与研究, 2003.6 Vol.13 No.6-2  106-109

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