• 姓名:罗  昊

  • 性别:男

  • 部门:材料物理系

  • 职称:副教授/副研究员

  • 邮箱:luo@nwu.edu.cn

  • 研究方向:材料浸润性,微纳米结构,蒸发自组装


2011年本科毕业于 yL23411永利官网登录 材料物理专业,获理学学士学位。
2016年研究生(硕博连读)毕业于 yL23411永利官网登录 凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位。


[10] H. Luo, J. Ma, T. Liu, P. Wang and G. Jing. Evaporation induced hydrophobic failure [J], Physical Review Fluids, 5 (2016): 053901.
[9] H. Li, H. Luo, Y. Li, B. Xiong, C. Qiao, X. Cao, Y. He, G. Jing. Direct Observation of Nanoparticle Multiple-Ring Pattern Formation during Droplet Evaporation with Dark-Field Microscopy [J], Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (2016) 13018-13025.
[8] T. Liu, H. Luo, J. Ma, W. Xie, H. Fan, G. Jing. Surface-roughness-induced evolution of the crack pattern during drying the colloidal suspension [J], The European Physical Journal E, 39 (2016) 1–8.

[7] H. Luo, J. Ma, P. Wang, J. Bai, G. Jing. Two-step wetting transition on ZnO nanorod arrays [J], Applied Surface Science, 347 (2015) 868–874.
[6] H. Yu, H. Luo, T. Liu and G. Jing. Deposit heterogeneity and the dynamics of the organic semiconductors P3HT and PCBM solution under evaporation [J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 29 (2015): 1550028
[5] H. Yu, X. Tian, H. Luo, X. Ma. Hierarchically textured surfaces of versatile alloys for superamphiphobicity [J], Materials Letters, 138 (2015) 184–187.

[4] T. Liu, H. Luo, J. Ma, P. Wang, L. Wang, G. Jing. Tuning crack pattern by phase separation in the drying of binary colloid–polymer suspension [J], Physics Letters A, 378 (2014) 1191-1199.

[3] H. Luo, T. Liu, J. Ma, W. Wang, H. Li, P. Wang, J. Bai, G. Jing. Irregular shaping of polystyrene nanosphere array by plasma etching [J], Materials Science-Poland, 31, (2013), 331-337.
[2] X. Ma, H. Luo, J. Ma, P. Wang, X. Xu, G. Jing. A facile approach for fabrication of underwater superoleophobic alloy [J], Applied Physics A, 113 (2013) 693-702.

[1] J. Cao; H. Luo; Y. Jiao; G. Jing; J. Bai. Tuning the wettability by vertical ZnO nanowire array [J], Journal of Functional Materials, 43, (2012), 2083-2086.

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