• 姓名:吴高锋

  • 性别:

  • 部门:光电工程系

  • 职称:副教授/副研究员

  • 荣誉:yL23411永利官网登录青年学术英才

  • 邮箱:gfwu@nwu.edu.cn

  • 研究方向:激光束传输与控制



你挑着担,我牵着马迎来日出,送走晚霞踏平坎坷,成大道斗罢艰险,又出发,又出发啦啦…一番番春秋、冬夏。一场场酸甜、苦辣。敢问路在何方 路在脚下。啦啦…一番番春秋、冬夏。一场场酸甜、苦辣。敢问路在何方 路在脚下。你挑着担,我牵着马翻山涉水两肩霜华风云雷电任叱诧一路豪歌,向天涯,向天涯啦啦…一番番春秋、冬夏。一场场酸甜、苦辣。敢问路在何方 路在脚下。敢问路在何方 路在脚下。





1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:部分相干光束的自修复特性研究,11604264

2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目:部分相干光束的强度起伏关联特性研究,2016JQ1021

3. yL23411永利官网登录科学研究基金项目: 15NW28


(10)Mengyao Zhou,Yunqing Zhou,Gaofeng Wu* and Yangjian Cai*,

Reducing the cross-talk among different orbital angular momentum modes in turbulent atmosphere by using a focusing mirror, Opt. Express, 2019, 27:10280-10287.

(9) Gaofeng Wu , Mengyao Zhou, Yunqin Zhou and Yangjian Cai*,  Propagation and radiation forces of a partially coherent beam generated by a quasi-homogenous source with defect,  J. Quant. Spectrosc. and Radiat. Transfer, 2019, 224:171-175.

(8) Gaofeng Wu * and Chenyu Tao, Analytical study of the self-reconstruction of a partially coherent Gaussian Schell-model beam, Optics Communications, 2018, 424: 86-90.

(7) Gaofeng Wu* and Xiaoyan Pang,Self-healing properties of partially coherent Schell-Model beams, ieee photonics journal, 2017, 9(6):1-11 .

(6) Gaofeng Wu*Propagation properties of a radially polarized partially coherent twisted beam in free spaceJournal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision2016333):345-350.

(5) Gaofeng WuTaco D. Visser*Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect with partially coherent electromagnetic beams, Optics Letters2014399):2561-2564.

(4) Gaofeng WuFei Wang*Yangjian Cai*Generation and self-healing of a radially polarized Bessel-Gauss beam, Physical Review A2014894):043807-1-043807-7.

(3) Gaofeng WuFei WangYangjian Cai*Coherence and polarization properties of a radially polarized beam with variable spatial coherenceOptics Express20122720):28301-28318.

(2) Gaofeng WuYangjian Cai*Detection of a semi-rough target in turbulent atmosphere by a partially coherent beamOptics Letters20113610):1939-1941.

(1) Gaofeng WuYangjian Cai*Modulation of spectral intensity, polarization and coherence of a stochastic electromagnetic beamOptics Express2011199):8700-8714.

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