• 姓名:刘 冲

  • 性别:

  • 部门:永利官网系

  • 职称:副教授/副研究员

  • 荣誉:yL23411永利官网登录青年学术英才

  • 邮箱:nwudavid@163.com

  • 研究方向:非线性物理,非线性光学,调制不稳定性,局域波激发性质和机制


主要从事非线性物理和非线性光学方面研究工作,在具有重要影响力的学术刊物(Optics Letters, Physcal Review 系列, Chaos等)上共发表SCI论文多篇(详见http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-6439-2018)。


1 首次报道了Peregrine rogue wave和W型孤子的态转换,开启了不同局域波相变的研究方向

 Physical Review E, 91 022904(2015)

2 首次给出具有一般性的Super-regular breather和调制不稳定的精确对应关系,揭示其本质

 Chaos,28,083110 (2018)




(3)陕西省教育厅专项科学研究计划, 17JK0767, 在研,主持

(4)陕西省自然科学基础研究计划, 2018JQ1003, 在研,主持



(2)Chong Liu, and Nail Akhmediev,Super-regular breathers in nonlinear systems with self-steepening effect, Physical Review E 100, 062201 (2019).

(1)Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang, Wen-Li Yang, and Nail Akhmediev, Chess-Board-Like Spatio-Temporal Interference Patterns and Their Excitation, JOSA B, 36,1294 (2019).


(4) Yang Ren, Chong Liu*, Zhan-Ying Yang*, and Polariton superregular breathers in a resonant erbium-doped fiber, Physical Review E 98, 062223 (2018). Despite the complexity, the exact link between these super-regular breathers and MI is established strictly.

(3)Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang, Wen-Li Yang, and Nail Akhmediev, Chess-Board-Like Spatio-Temporal Interference Patterns and Their Excitation, arXiv:1810.03232v1. New type of interference pattens has been obtained, which can be observed in many nonlinear systems.

(2) Chong Liu*, Zhan-Ying Yang*, and Wen-Li Yang*, Growth rate of modulation instability driven by superregular breathers, Chaos,28,083110 (2018) (arXiv:1807.09399). The challenging problem---how to establish a general exact link between SR breathers and MI---is what we address in this work.

(1) Yang Ren, Xin Wang, Chong Liu*, Zhan-Ying Yang*, and Wen-Li Yang, Characteristics of fundamental and superregular modes in a multiple self-induced transparency system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 63, 161 (2018). The frist study of superregular breathers in any coupled physical system.


(2) Jian-Hui Zhang, LeiWang*, and Chong Liu*,Superregular breathers, characteristics of nonlinear stage of modulation instability induced by higher-order effects,Proc. R. Soc. A,2017, 473: 20160681. Highly-cited paper

(1) Chong Liu*, Yang Ren, Zhan-Ying Yang* and Wen-Li Yang,Superregular breathers in a complex modified Korteweg-de Vries system,27(8):083120. The frist revelation of dynamics of non-amplifying localized small pertubations in nonlinear physical systems.


(2) Chong Liu*, Zhan-Ying Yang*, Li-Chen Zhao, Liang Duan, Guangye Yang and Wen-Li Yang, Symmetric and asymmetric optical multi-peak solitons on a continuous wave background in the femtosecond regime, Physical Review E, 2016, 94. 042221. The first work to reveal the properties of symmetric and asymmetric multi-peak solitons in nonlinear physics.

(1) Yang Ren, Zhan-Ying Yang*, Chong Liu*, Wen-Hao Xu, and Wen-Li Yang, Characteristics of optical multi-peak solitons induced by higher-order effects in an erbium-doped fiber system,The European Physical Journal D, 2016, 70(9): 187.


(1) Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang*, Li-Chen Zhao*, and Wen-Li Yang, State transition induced by higher-order effects and background frequency, Physical Review E, 2015, 91(2): 022904. The first study of the relation between solitons and rogue waves-1. The topic---state transitions between different types of nonlinear waves---is triggerd by this work.

(2) Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang*, Li-Chen Zhao, and Wen-Li Yang,Transition, coexistence, and interaction of vector localized waves arising from higher-order effects, Annals of Physics, 2015, 362 130-138. The first study of the relation between solitons and rogue waves-2.


(2) Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang*, Li-Chen Zhao*, and Wen-LiYang, Vector breathers and the inelastic interaction in a three-mode nonlinear optical fiber, Physical Review A, 2014, 89(5): 055803.

(1) Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang*, Li-Chen Zhao, Guo-Guo Xin, and Wen-Li Yang, Optical rogue waves generated on Gaussian background beam, Optics Letters, 2014, 39(4): 1057-1060.

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