学术报告——Prof. Dr. Taco D. Visser


报告题目:Introduction to Singular Optics
报告人:Prof. Dr. Taco D. Visser
NPU Xi’an, University of Rochester, and Free University Amsterdam

摘要:Waves of light, just like sound waves or water waves, consists of sines and cosines. But if we take a closer look, this is not the whole story. If we zoom in at length scales that are smaller than the wavelength, we find that there are special points, called singular points, where the light behaves strangely. One example of such points are tiny optical tornadoes. But also the polarization of the light can have a strange behavior at certain points. New research has shown how these different points are related, and how we can create them or make them disappear. This talk is aimed at graduate students. It is suitable for everyone who has taken a course in electromagnetic fields. Some of the results that I will discuss have been published in: X. Pang, G. Gbur and T.D. Visser "Cycle of phase, coherence and polarization singularities in Young's three-pinhole experiment" Optics Express, vol. 23, pp. 34093-34108 (2015).
Homepage (with all papers): http://www.nat.vu.nl/~tvisser/
Email: tvisser@nat.vu.nl
个人简介:Taco Dirk Visser现任罗切斯特大学和阿姆斯特丹自由大学教授。曾任芬兰阿尔托大学访问教授,是国际学术期刊《Progress in Optics》主编。主要从事相干光学、奇点光学、微纳光学的研究,研究领域包括表面等离子体的产生及其在纳米尺度下的调控、亚波长的近场光学和奇异光学、电磁波的相干性与光场的衍射和散射特性、结构光场的聚焦以及偏振效应等,在Physical Review Letters、Physical Review A、Optics Letters、Optics Express等国际著名学术期刊发表学术论文过百篇,被引用超过3100次,h因子为32,其中多篇论文由国际光学工程学会里程碑系列著作(SPIE Milestone Series books)报道,研究工作多次入选美国光学学会期刊《OPN》的亮点文章,并多次被各大名刊评为最热点论文。



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