学术报告——中国石油大学 许韬 副教授

报告题目:Solitons and their Interactions in the PT-symmetric nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger models

报告人:许韬  副教授  中国石油大学



摘要:In this talk, we report our recent work on the solitons and their Interactions in the continueous and discrete PT-symmetric nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger (PTNNLS) models. We construct the elementary and generalized Darboux transformations of the continueous and discrete PTNNLS models. For the defocusing type of the continueous case, we derive a chain of exponential and rational nonsingular soliton solutions on the continuous wave background. In contrast with the standard NLS model, we find that the N-th iterated exponential soliton solutions can display a variety of elastic interactions among 2N dark or antidark solitons; the first-order rational solution can describe the elastic interactions of dark or antidark solitons, but the higher-order rational solutions do not exhibit the elastic interactions among more fundamental solitons. For the defocusing type of the discrete case, we also obtain the first-order rational soliton solution which admits the similar interaction properties like the continueous case. In addition, we discuss the degenerate cases of the exponential and rational soliton solutions, and the stability of soliton solutions against with the shifts from the center in the transverse coordinate.

论。已在Physical Review E、Physics of Plasmas、Europhysics Letters等国际著名
期刊上发表论文50余篇(累计他引次数200余次),并担任Physics of Plasmas、
Physica Scripta、Nonlinear Dynamics和Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A等国际期



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